WHAT IS EXPECTED OF APPLICANTS In order ot be eligible for membership the following criteria must be met Male or Female over 18 years of age. Belief in a Supreme Being. Belief in the immortality of the soul. A sincerity desire for self improvement. No felonies and full disclosure of any legal issues. We are open to accepting and assisting any enquirers who wish to better themselves. The Order discourages extremes and promotes moderation in all things. Able to pay membership fees (determined by Country) without depriving your dependents/family financially. Prepared to be interviewed in person or online. An obligation to become actively involved in lodge work. SUBMIT AN APPLICATION TITLE MrMissMrs First Name (required) Last Name (required) SEX (required) MaleFemale Email Address (required) CONFIRMATION OF IDENTITY Scanned copy of identity document GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION Address Town/City Country/State/Province Postal Code Country PROFESSION REASON FOR APPLICATION Please provide a detailed explanation for your application. Your petition will be carefully reviewed.